Thursday 28 January 2016

Part 6 - Heavy Lift Animation

Part 6 - Heavy Lift Animation
This animation was without a doubt the biggest time sync out of all the scenarios that was given to me. It was the ending of the animation predominately that stretched out the timescale, but there was other blips that accumulated to this problem also. There is a lot of character to this animation which to me, makes it much more believable also.
Due to good referencing, the first 135 frames were simple enough. Its after this point my animation reached a stage where I no longer had any images to work off and so I had to design the ending myself. I was lucky enough that my step father was travelling abroad and with a very large, heavy suitcase so I got some great pictures to start with though.
The issue I had was when the character picks up the suitcase, when trying to get underneath it the only way to keep the objects weight was to turn away from the camera. Forcing him to turn away from the camera would require a camera shift when rendering. Ultimately, due to time constrictions I scrapped this ending and had the rig panting after trying to lift the first few times.

The other inconsistency was the feet. The way the model turns during the animation required grounding the feet in certain positions. These were rectified from the original frames as the speed of the transitions wouldn't have allowed the twisting through the knees and feet.

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