Thursday 28 January 2016

Part 1 - Kick Animation

Part 1 - Side Kick Animation
The kick animation I worked on was purely developed on the technicalities of a Taekwondo style sidekick. As this was the first animation of the assignment, instead of focusing on adding character into the animation, I made sure that I nailed down the fundamentals.
One of the most challenging parts of the animation was keeping the center of gravity in the correct position. (Pictured above). The reference I used was by an online tutor on YouTube. Once I took screenshots of certain parts of the movement, I imported them into Maya and moved the rig accordingly. Once I was happy, I pushed the positions and exaggerated them slightly more than their realistic positions as it looked very rigid and boring prior to this.
Below, you can see I received feedback from one of my peers on the Visual Design forum we have on Facebook for our creative lessons.
When trying to gain a drag on the foot, it dipped through the floor level very slightly which I initially missed. This was rectified and kept a truer arc motion.
The scene showed above was the most challenging aspect of the kick. This is a few frames after the leg is being brought back down and at first it looked horrendous. After trying to figure out just exactly what was wrong, I put it down to the knees and hips moving in opposition which gave a 'pop' effect on the leg. This really stood out on playbast. Of course when moving the hips, the spine had to follow and the position of the other leg and so this took a large portion of my time up on this clip.
Given the opportunity, this is one of my animations I would go back and alter.

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